How is your office supporting off-campus students over the summer and during the fall semester?
The Off-Campus Initiative within New Student Services will participate in Spring Orientation by hosting informational sessions for incoming students and their families. Students will have the opportunity to attend sessions that will give them information on how to navigate finding housing off campus as well as what life at UT and in Austin is like as a student. Our Off-Campus Living Resources website will also be an ongoing resource available to all students. A recent addition to the website has been the Off Campus Housing Marketplace which allows students to explore available properties geared towards students in the Austin area. On-campus housing information is available through University Housing and Dining at
Will off-campus (aUsTinite) events continue in the fall semester?
Our staff is planning both in-person and virtual programing to connect with our students during the spring semester. Depending on university policy, events will either be in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of both. We will continue to find creative ways for students to connect to campus, give back, be a good neighbor and explore Austin all while making the health and safety of our students a priority. You can stay updated on upcoming events and information by visiting the aUsTinite page on our website.