Affordable Housing in Austin
Various affordable housing programs are available in Austin and are funded at county, city, state and federal levels. Check out these resources to get information on eligibility and assistance in your search for housing.

Affordable Housing Online Search Tool
Check out this map to find income-restricted affordable housing, including SMART Housing, in your area. Tip: in the income section, be sure to reflect what your income is based on things such as loans, financial aid and pay from jobs.

Resources for Renters
Not sure where to start in your affordable housing search? Explore Resources for Renters first to get a sense of what may be available to you.

Housing Authority of Travis County
The Housing Authority of Travis County provides information on the Affordable Housing Program for eligible Austinites.

Austin Tenants Council Project
The project focuses on housing discrimination; tenant-landlord education and information; and housing repair and rehabilitation. Counseling by telephone and appointments available.