Off-Campus Safety
While you might be on campus during the day, you will likely be spending most of your nights and weekends off campus. As an Austinite, you should utilize helpful resources like Austin 3-1-1 and weather alerts.

West Campus Ambassadors
The West Campus Ambassadors are a specialized safety, cleaning, and hospitality team established by UT Austin, in collaboration with business and community leaders, and dedicated to the revitalization of Austin’s West Campus neighborhood.

UTPD West, located at 2400 Nueces, is a space where community members can walk in, get to know our officers and share concerns.

APD District Representative Map
Similar to the UTPD district representative program, APD has officers assigned to specific areas in Austin. Each officer is dedicated to serving their assigned community, so reach out to your representative for non-emergency issues.

UTPD District Representatives
UTPD has a program that assigns an officer to a particular area, including some areas off campus. Using the district map, you can identify and contact your district officer representative for non-emergencies.

Emergency Supply Kit
Make an emergency supply kit using this checklist, provided by Austin's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

Connet with APD
The Austin Police Department is the primary entity in charge of safety and security beyond the 40 Acres.

Austin 3-1-1
Austin 3-1-1 gives you the chance to submit service requests, ask questions and voice concerns in your area.