Campus Resources

As a student at UT Austin, there are numerous campus resources available to you which include academic support, health and other student support services. To see an exhaustive list of resources, visit the Current Student Resources page on the main university site. The resources below have been compiled with the needs of off-campus students in mind. 

Woman sleeping on a laptop

Nap Map

Your new way to catch some z's between classes.

Woman using a laptop

Study Spots Map

Make the best use of those gaps between classes by sneaking in some study time.

UHS general clinic

University Health Services

Make an appointment, use the free nurse advice hotline and much more.

Person sitting at a table with a laptop

UT Emergency Loan

Financial Aid provides emergency loans to students. See if you qualify.

Student on a laptop

Legal Services for Students

Have questions about your lease? Make an appointment with Student Legal Services.

Corridor on UT campus

Student Emergency Services

Get assistance with issues that impact your well-being and academic success.